Pōneke Pump N' Dump

How do I sign up?
Start off by making your way to Ye Olde Pinball Shoppe during Pump n' Dump tournament week. This will be every month, on the week following the Poneke Pinballers Social Night. Ask our finest pinball ambassadors at the front desk about entering the tournament, and you will be given an exclusive tournament-week-only deal where you pay only $20 for tournament entry, as well as 12 tokens. That's 2 tokens at no extra cost!
How do I play in the tournament?
There will be 8 selected machines that will be eligible for submitting qualifying scores on. You can play as many games as you like on any of the selected machines. Your scores you submit will be compared to other competitors scores on a particular machine, and you will be awarded points according to how well you did comparatively.
For example, if you have the best score on Twilight Zone, you will be awarded 100 points for that game. If you have the 6th best score, you will be awarded 95 points, and so on.
Your 12 tokens you receive upon entry to the tournament will cover you for at least 1 attempt on each of the 8 tournament games, as well as 4 tokens extra for you to use at your leisure to try and bump up any scores you think could do with some improvement. More tokens will be available for purchase at any stage of the competition, but the special discount will only apply to your first batch of 12 tokens, so use them wisely!
Your points are added up across all 8 of these games to determine where you sit on the overall qualifying tournament ladder. You can examine how many points you are getting for any of your scores on any games by going to the Pump n' Dump tournament on https://next.matchplay.events (I will post this tournament link to this discord at the beginning of the week), and you will be able to find a breakdown of your scores and how many points each of them are worth.
Bear in mind! These point values are not locked in by any means. If your score on Twilight Zone is worth 95 points on Monday, you may find its only worth 85 points on Friday after other competitors submit better scores than yours. So keep an eye on your scores, you may find that for a shot at making the top 12 in qualifying, you will have to pop back in later in the week to grab some more tokens and try to submit some better scores.
Good luck to all participants, may your jackpots be many, and your drains be few!